13 research outputs found

    Sustavan pregled mrežnih okruženja učenja u nastavi Matematike na sekundarnoj razini obrazovanja: stavovi, postignuća, izazovi i moguća rješenja

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    Web-based learning environments (WBLE) are widely adopted in the context of higher education. Comparatively, little is known about how they are used in high school mathematics curricula. Therefore, this systematic review investigates how WBLEs are applied in high school education and which outcomes this instructional approach has resulted in up to now. 14 related journal publications on high school WBLE are identified and analysed in terms of their WBLE activities, student achievement, attitude, and challenges encountered. The findings suggest that several activities are used in WBLE. WBLE application in high school mathematics education produced a neutral or positive effect on student achievement when compared to traditional classroom-based learning. Students’ attitudes toward WBLE approach are varied. WBLE implementation challenges are classified as student-associated, faculty-associated, and operational. We proposed seven possible solutions to address these challenges based on previous studies. Also, recommendations for future research are discussedMrežna okruženja za učenje (WBLE) široko su prihvaćena u kontekstu visokoga obrazovanja. S druge strane, malo se zna o tome kako se ona koriste u programima matematike u višim razredima osnovnih te u srednjim školama. Stoga se u ovome sustavnom pregledu istražuje kako se WBLE primjenjuje na sekundarnoj razini obrazovanja i koji su dosdašnji rezultati primjene ovog nastavnoga pristupa. Odabrano je 14 relevantnih časopisa o WBLE-u na sekundarnoj razini obrazovanja te analizirano u smislu njihovih WBLE aktivnosti, postignuća učenika, stavova i izazova s kojima se susreću. Rezultati pokazuju da se u WBLE-u koristi nekoliko aktivnosti. Primjena WBLE-a u matematičkom obrazovanju na srednjoškolskoj razini proizvela je neutralan ili pozitivan učinak na učenička postignuća u usporedbi s tradicionalnim učenjem u učionici. Stavovi učenika o WBLE pristupu su različiti. Izazovi primjene WBLE-a javljaju se na razini učenika, nastavnika i organizacije. Na temelju prethodnih studija predložili smo sedam mogućih rješenja kao odgovor na njih. Također, u raspravi dajemo preporuke za buduća istraživanj

    Istraživanje o interaktivnosti studenata u učionici i interaktivnosti studenata u sustavu za upravljanje učenjem s ciljem poboljšanja ishoda učenja

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    This study developed a conceptual framework on interactivity in the classroom, interactivity within Learning Management System (LMS), student engagement and satisfaction as four key underlying factors that will enhance learning outcomes. Furthermore, the study investigates interactivity in the classroom and within LMS with respect to student engagement, student satisfaction and its impact on educational learning outcome. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Based on the survey data from 178 respondents, SEM was employed to assess the model. We also experimentally assessed the relationship between the variables of the model by employing SEM method. However, the findings indicate that high interactivity in the classroom has a positive influence on student engagement and student satisfaction towards improving student learning outcomes. Also, the study shed more light on the moderate level of interactivity within the LMS by the student and pointed out which areas should be improved. The result further indicates the importance of interactivity in the educational environment and points to the need for more interactivity in the learning space of educational institutions.U ovom istraživanju izrađen je konceptualni okvir o interaktivnosti studenata u učionici, interaktivnosti studenata u sustavu za upravljanje učenjem, sudjelovanju studenata u nastavi i njihovu zadovoljstvu nastavom. To su bila četiri ključna čimbenika koja vode boljim ishodima učenja. Nadalje, istraživanjem se ispitala i interaktivnost u učionici i interaktivnost u sustavu za upravljanje učenjem s obzirom na sudjelovanje studenata u nastavi, njihovo zadovoljstvo nastavom i utjecaju koji sve navedeno ima na obrazovne ishode. Podaci su prikupljeni s pomoću strukturiranog upitnika i utemeljeni na obradi podataka dobivenih od 178 ispitanika. Za procjenu modela primijenjena je SEM metoda. Također smo eksperimentalno procijenili i vezu među varijablama unutar modela s pomoću SEM metode. Međutim, rezultati pokazuju da velika količina interaktivnosti u učionici ima pozitivan utjecaj na sudjelovanje studenata u nastavi i na njihovo zadovoljstvo, a da to sve vodi boljim ishodima učenja. Istraživanje je također razjasnilo i umjerenu interaktivnost među studentima u sustavu za upravljanje učenjem te istaknulo područja koja je potrebno doraditi. Taj rezultat pokazuje i važnost interaktivnosti u obrazovnom okruženju i ističe potrebu za većim stupnjem interaktivnosti u okruženju za učenje u obrazovnim institucijama

    Blended learning motivation model for instructors in higher education institutions

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    Abstract Currently, blended learning (BL) is trending among higher education institutions (HEIs) around the globe. Despite its popularity, no model exists that describes the motivation that affects instructors’ opinions and beliefs regarding online learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the factors responsible for motivating instructors at HEIs to integrate the BL approach into their courses. Two categories of motivational factors, namely, extrinsic and intrinsic, have been identified in the BL literature. These factors have been used to design a motivation model based on the cause-effect relationship between them. Survey data were collected from 362 HEI instructors in Turkey and North Cyprus for analysis using a structural equation modelling method. The results indicated that both extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors have a significant impact on the instructors’ motivation to apply the BL approach. However, the extrinsic factor, i.e., “academic workload”, did not influence the instructors’ motivation. In general, the findings confirmed that, the consideration of both extrinsic and intrinsic factors for motivating the application of blended learning has a 79% impact on the adoption of BL. The findings of this study provide practical solutions for educational managers, curriculum designers and faculty members towards creating a cohesive BL environment in HEIs

    Taking business intelligence to business education curriculum: graduate students’ concerns

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    Business intelligence systems are widely employed in industries. However, students concerns about Business Intelligence course are largely missed in the business education curriculum. To take a proper decision on Business intelligence integration in business education, it is important to understand students’ concerns. This study employed a survey questionnaire to investigate 142 graduate students concerns about integrating business intelligence into business education curriculum. The survey questionnaire was adopted from previous studies to measure students’ concerns on a Business Intelligence job opportunity, interest and relevance in the Business intelligence education. The survey items have a reliability scales of Cronbach’s alpha (α) = 0.818, factor loading > 0.5, and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) ≥ 0.5, and Composite Reliability (CR) ≥ 0.6. Descriptive statistics and Independent sample t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test were performed on the survey data. Students revealed that Business intelligence knowledge is relevant (mean = 4.29, SD = 0.710), has several job opportunities (mean = 4.16, SD = 0.675), and should be integrated into business education curriculum (mean = 3.95.08, SD = 0.79). In addition, there was no statistically significant difference (t (140) = –0.027, p > 0.05) between the concerns of students with Business Intelligence lecture experience and those without. Further, perceived importance and job opportunity significantly, F = 24.601 and p = .000(< .05) relates to the Business intelligence integration in Business Education. The findings draw implications for university management and business institutions in updating curriculum so as to equip business students with the essential Business Intelligence knowledge and skills for the betterment of the business organizations

    Sustainable Adoption of E-Learning from the TAM Perspective

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    This study investigates the imperative to adopt e-learning and how it influences educational process sustainability. For developing countries, adopting e-learning has always been a challenge because of the lack of mechanisms due to the resistance of teachers and students, low level of information and communication technology (ICT) literacy, and lack of ICT infrastructure. A quantitative research methodology was used by applying a hypothesized extended model of the technology acceptance model (TAM) for the adoption of e-learning. The factors were investigated by analyzing the intentions of 367 students and teachers. Data were collected through an online questionnaire. This study aims to identify the factors that influence students’ and teachers’ attitudes toward the adoption of sustainable e-learning and illustrate the moderating role of the mentality acceptance factor in the relationship between system trust and interaction, on the one hand, and PU and PEOU on the other. Findings of the study indicated that all TAM constructs significantly impact the BI of e-learning use. Additionally, the results showed that mentality acceptance substantially moderates the relationship between system trust and interaction, on the one hand, and PU and PEOU on the other. These findings suggest that educational institutions should focus on factors influencing teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward adopting and using e-learning services. Lack of internet connection, ICT skills, and technology capabilities are the main issues, and the main TAM constructs of all factors